Curt Lytle- former professional BASS fisherman has started a campaign against hunting with hounds in Virginia. You can read most of his lies and mis-information on his poorly designed website FYI he's included his personal email on the site,( which I encourage you all to use to send him your opinions on his "solution" to hunting with hounds in VA.
I'm suprised PETA has not already attacked him for his threats to set leg-hold steel traps for hunting dogs, in an attempt to mame or injur them. This man is a spoiled rich boy who wants his cake and eat it too. I can't count the days I've been sitting on a peaceful river or lake enjoying some quality free time fishing, when 30-40 high speed bass boats came racing through at 90 mph, up and down, up and down, and running overtop recreational fishermen at fishing spots. Curt was one of them, and back then he could have cared less how his actions impacted the enjoyment of others on the water. Now that he has retired with his fat check, and bought himself a little hobby farm in the middle of hound-hunting country he wants everyone else to suffer so he can have ultimate enjoyment of his land.
Curt's "solution" is to limit hunting hounds to fenced-in enclosures, thereby completely outlawing outside running. Because his public support has been so futile, and his relization that throwing his big money at it doesn't work either, he's now looking for support from the Virginia Dept. of Game&Inland Fisheries. The same state organization that receives millions of dollars a year from hound hunters statewide.
This clown not only aims to stop deer hunting with hounds, but all outside hunting dogs including rabbit, fox, coon, bear, waterfowl, and upland birds. According to Mr. Curt Lytle dogs should know how to read POSTED signs, and therefore should stay off POSTED lands. I'd love to know his training methodology behind teaching them to read, I could make millions in the training business. ;)
If you research more into his previous statements and actions, you'll find this man is not someone who should be respected or involved in hunting law regulations.
Please contact the VAHDA, VADGIF, and Mr. Curt Lytle directly and let them know your opposition to his "solutions", and your support for responsible and ethical hunting with hounds in VA.